I fucking laughed.

Whoever said, “Laughter is good for the soul” wasn’t kidding.
There’s nothing better than laughter.
I am now convinced that laughing really hard might be better than sex.
And don’ get me wrong - I do love sex - but laughing gives me a longer lasting effect (I’m really good at recycling jokes). I still remember what made me laugh 10 years ago.

My life has become a fucking challenge and the list of things I have to do - in order to float - keeps getting longer. I have accumulated more stress in my body than I know how to manage. So there was something that needed to be done and I did it. 

I laughed.

I laughed so hard and laughed non-stop for three days with my friends.

A week ago I wrote an entry for Mamas Latinas in which I shared the benefits of laughing, like lower stress levels, stronger immune system, good moods, lower bad cholesterol and higher good cholesterol etc etc… Who cares? These are not the really the reasons why I love to laugh. 

A good laugh can change more than my mood, it can shift my whole perspective on things, and the world becomes a more cheerful place (and I do hate the word cheerful). When I laugh it seems as if anything is possible. Laughter helps me clear my mind and allows me to focus on the present moment. 

I cannot break into laughter and think of my piling problems at the same time, it’s one or the other – so I laugh. Because through laughter I gain clarity and I achieve (very much needed) detachment. 

A good laugh between friends is one of the best things in life. It is fascinating to watch how a good laugh establishes a bond between us. Laughter helps to break down barriers and create common ground. I will be recycling the new stories for a very long time. 

Thanks Al, Isa, Jill, Sarah… it’s great to have you in my life.
Thanks Pavis, Mara, Mariana, Maria, Eris, Pancha, I miss you.
Thanks Fernando for opening the gate.
Thanks Doña Kika for the most amazing meals.
Thanks Mom for lending us your paradise.

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