My homework.

I was named Sofia after Sophia Loren.
I was.

I wish the story behind my name were something deeper, more obscure or simply more interesting.
I often meet people that get named after poets and writers of an era that touched their parents in one way or another.
Or even named after Rock and Roll stars, musicians that were playing in the background while a baby was being conceived.
Now, that is cool.

But not me.
Even though I was born in 1969 and so many defining events took place that year, like Woodstock, the murder of Sharon Tate, Man landing on the moon, anti-Vietnam demonstrations, the disappearance of Brian Jones (from the Rolling Stones), John Lennon marrying Yoko, Israel naming Golda Meir their 1st woman prime minister and the Beatles performing for the very last time; none of these events influenced my mother when she was thinking of a name for her soon to be born, baby girl.

She had made up her mind long before.
At least, that’s what she told me.

I was named after Sophia Loren because not only she loved her as an actress, but she liked her name too.
I was also named Sophia with a ph, just like her.
Which was an awful idea given the fact that I was raised in Mexico and no one uses ph in their first names unless their last name is Michaels or Johnson.
So I changed that ph for an f the day I started writing my name on my own.

Sofia Loren, was in fact, born Sofia Villani Scicolone on September 20th, 1934
Sofia with an f.

She is Italian.
And my mother must have felt a strong connection to her because she has always claimed to be Italian too.
My mom’s grandmother was from Napoli.

When we were growing up, we used to laugh whenever she told people that she was Italian, because it would irritate my father, but now that my daughter swears that her Grandma is Italian and, by the way - also a Doctor - I have started to wonder about my Mom’s belief system.

My neighbor said to me a couple of months ago,
- “I didn’t know your Mom was a Doctor”

I said to her,
- “That’s because she isn’t”

And later I asked my daughter,
- “Juliana, why on earth are you telling people that Letty (my Mom also refuses to be called grandma) is a Doctor”

- “Because she told me she was a Doctor”

- “Well, she isn’t Honey”

Next thing I know, my daughter is on the phone with her grandma - who calls her every night, from Mexico City.
During the call Juliana asks her,
- “Letty isn’t it true that you are a Doctor?”

When I hear this question, I immediately start speaking loudly so my Mom can hear me,
- “Mom will you clarify this matter? Juliana is telling people you are indeed a Doctor”

My Mom goes on to say,
- “Juliana, am I not the one that always takes care of everyone? Don’t I get rid of your Grandpa’s headaches and don’t I get rid of your tummy aches?”

- “Yes you do Letty”

- “Then, I am a Doctor”

Oh my God.
This is my Mother.
Who named me after an Italian actress.
Who tells people that she is Italian, when she was actually born in Monterrey, Mexico.
And who also, has convinced her granddaughter that she is a Doctor.

My Mom, Leticia, was born in 1942.
Sophia Loren won her Oscar for Two Women in 1962, so my mom was 20 years old when she saw the movie, was completely star-struck and thought to herself, “If I ever have a daughter I will name her Sophia”.

Leticia has always been a beautiful woman and even now, at 70, she still looks amazing, like Sophia Loren.

I have never given my name too much thought, until today - with this assignment - and I have to say this,
I love, that my name is Sofia.
I think it sort of defines me.

I too, am a bit crazy, by the way,
After all, I am my Mother’s daughter.

1 comment:

  1. Y teníamos una tía Sofia Ferrigno también, y la abuela para tu sorpresa....era mas bien de ascendente Siciliano real, solo salieron del barco cerca de Napoles a hacer las Américas.
    Pero la doctora tendrá sus propia versión sin duda! doubt.
    Great and strong name that we all relate to a beautiful woman.


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