Today at the farmer's market...

It is expensive and it is indeed a bit ridiculous and it’s also kind of snobbish. Yes it is all of those things, but I love - really love - going to the farmer's market. I love the entire experience of it. 

And I need to fill my life with more and more things I love. I just got to. Because oh God I hate doing homework with Juliana and I hate fighting with my kids over the breakfast smoothies and I hate when they take forever to fall asleep and I hate when I feel guilty over being such a shitty mother, just for saying the kind of things I am saying “right this instant” to you people, and to myself.

But I just heard a teacher of mine give us a good speech about being honest with everyone around us, and most especially, ourselves.
(Thanks Patricia Moreno you are so right)

So, on the subject of happiness, I feel lucky because I work right across from the farmer’s market in Union Square. And it's busy, crowded and people can be horrible, but I just adore the entire scene.

The colorful fruits (strawberry season!), the vegetables, the ten types of tomatoes, the flowers, breads, the honey, the raspberry jams, and all the homemade goods. Amazing.

I also love the not-so-eclectic-anymore mix of people, coming from all walks of life, though admittedly, there are mostly healthy people there. And I'm certainly not the healthiest but I believe that I’m in a good-middle-ground-kinda-healthy lifestyle. I think.

I also like supporting local farmers and I feel really good eating locally grown food – because and I also admit - it does taste different. 

I picked up a huge batch of spinach and radishes among other things, and I’m already savoring the salad I’m making tonight. I am however - .also -visualizing the fight over the vegetables at the dinner table.

Then again, let’s not spoil my moment…

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