Ashley Madison is not cool... among other things.

My mind is a confusing conglomerate today and I have mental notes that range from learning what Ashley Madison is (still in awe) to what kind of snacks to buy for my daughter’s graduation party -- which is today – in 3 hours. I also can’t stop thinking an Ayn Rand quote that moved me, shitty people that enrage me, dance class with Patricia Moreno that uplifted my spirits, nice post-it note left by a friend on my desk, good fruit plate for breakfast, forgetting my watch, enraged at the Mexican elections, worried about the Greece situation, hoping a miracle can save the Somali woman that is getting lapidated, hoping a lighting kills the men that condemned her, finding a tutor for Juliana’s homework before we kill each other, sadness over Eva’s departure that will change our lives, wondering if Diego should stay full days in school, looking for inspiration that will lead me back to my book, hoping the recent work gig finally falls in place, getting that check, getting another check, convincing myself that this route is the one, convincing others, missing the Mara Hoffman sample sale because I better, daydreaming about being in Sicily, kind of dreading tomorrow early morning heading to Coney Island, wanting to see the Wes Anderson flick, wanting a pedicure, wanting to finish my book and move to the next, stop procrastinating, send 100 emails pending, go to Cindy Sherman at MOMA before they take it down, make all those phone calls, pay all the bills, get rid of mail…

Life, life, life… my mind is exploding… I need a break. No, I need to write. After the break.

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