The Golden Globes (Actors I don't feel sorry for you)

I like Ricky Gervais - so shoot me – I am not a Hollywood actress. And I don’t like Madonna anymore – so shoot me again.

Some people got really offended when returning Golden Globes host Ricky Gervais went after a couple of Hollywood stars with his over-the top-harsh-witty-comments, but they also got offended last year – so my bet is that he’ll get invited to host the 2013 awards as well.

These are some of the questions posted by Reuters, after the event:
Did Gervais go too far?
Was he merely voicing what the wide public thinks and says?
Are celebrities paid enough to deserve the odd bout of public humiliation?

Here is what I think – please note “what I think” translates into my own personal point of view:
I am not someone that typically enjoys the jokes that come from publicly mocking others – but I am sorry, these Hollywood people should be able to take it.
First of all because yes - they make millions - and secondly because they have an ongoing habit of doing ridiculous things and living over the top.
And I just thought of a third reason, they are indeed public figures – they chose this career path – so they’re expected to endure criticism.

Yes, Gervais was actually voicing what people think – some actors where laughing with tears.
And no he didn’t go too far – they had it coming – he did announce that he was indeed “going to go far” this year.

A week before the Globes I came across an interview with the comedian-host and I thought some of the things he said were quite smart.
He said that comedy is about surprise and that the job of a comedian is not just to make people laugh but to make them think.
Comedy is an intellectual pursuit and there is the problem – he said.
I agree with him.

His best jokes as posted by MTV
1. The Golden Globes are to the Oscars what Kim Kardashian is to Kate Middleton. A bit louder, a bit trashier, a bit drunker and more easily bought. Allegedly. Nothing's been proved."
2. "What's with all the divorces? What's going on? Arnold and Maria, J.Lo and Marc Anthony, Ashton and Demi. Kim Kardashian and some guy no one will remember. He wasn't around long. Seventy-two days. A marriage that lasted 72 days. I've sat through longer James Cameron acceptance speeches."
3. "Justin Bieber nearly had to take a paternity test. What a waste of a test that would have been. No, he's not the father. The only way that he could impregnate a girl was if he borrowed one of Martha Stewart's old turkey basters."
4. To Johnny Depp: "I want to ask you a question. And be honest. Are you on recreational drugs? I'm joking, that's not the question. And we all know the answer. Have you seen 'The Tourist' yet?"
I couldn’t endure the Globes until the end – when the host disappeared for an hour, I got terribly bored – if it hasn’t been for Ricky Gervais and the red carpet – this show would’ve been impossible to watch.

On another note, I am very happy that “The Descendants” won.
Great movie.
Also my own point of view.

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