Because it's still January...

All the magazines that I like to read covered the subject of New Year’s resolutions during January.
One article said that in a poll among their readers, the percentage of women who make New Year’s resolutions - year after year after year- its more than 60% and 45% of these women’s - top of the list resolution - is to work out more and eat healthier.
What a drag.
We’re all the same.

It’s true, at times we like to think of ourselves as “original”, but come January of each year and we all get the holiday-carbs-regret and naked-body-flaws-obsession; thus showing nature that we’re all very much alike.
Oh women.

But this is also something that I love about our genre – there’s always a way to find some common ground among women – and we can chat away, leaving behind waiting-room-boredom.

Say, while waiting for my daughter at her ballet class,

-       Which one is your daughter?
-       The one with the ponytail.
-       Oh how cute… do you live around here?
-       Yes, you?
-       Yes we do. We go to PS 40, you?
-       No we go to XXX private school.
-       Oh good (small pause because we won’t be able to talk about school) - Do you have a new year’s resolution?
-       (Bewildered look) …Yes I guess… hit the gym more.
-       You?
-       Oh me too, and yoga and eating healthier, greener.
-       Oh me too, totally… I can’t believe how much I ate during the holidays… (big smiles… blah blah blah begins - private school bump forgotten).

Note: People do get surprised when I ask the new year resolution question but it’s January and come on women… it’s really not that personal when we’re all thinking the same ridiculous thing.

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