I feel bad about my neck

I’ve been reading a lot of non-fiction lately and I love it.
For a time in my life I shied away from it, I just didn’t think it was “my thing” so I always steered towards the novels and the fiction section in the bookstore.

Things changed -I guess - when I decided that I wanted to be a non-fiction writer myself. And I'm certain that at some point this could change again -when and if I decide - that instead of writing about my own life, which let’s face it, it’s not that interesting, I decide to "give new life" to marvelous women characters that do amazing things like scientific discoveries, win awards, climb mountains in Nepal, cure sickness in a third world country or are simply very level-headed-happy-bubbly-beings - unlike me, the writer.
Anyway, we’ll see.

I just finished reading I feel bad about my neck by Nora Ephron and I loved it.
She is a genius writer, humorous and smart with several sheds of brilliance throughout her pages.
Nora Ephron is sixty years old, much older than I, and yet I feel like we see life in a very similar way. 
We could definitely be friends. In fact we're friends but she doesn’t know it yet.

Ephron covers all aspects of everyday life in her book. The subjects in these short stories range from cooking-tips, landlord fights, raising kids, the work life, friendships…  to the comfort of her desk.

In the end there’s a chapter with a list of the things that she wished she had known. Some of them are:
- You never know.
- The plane is not going to crash.
- You can order more than one desert
- If the shoe doesn’t seem comfortable in the store it never will.
- There are no secrets.
- The reason you wake up in the middle of the night is the second glass of wine.

This is a very good read and I absolutely recommend it to all women - whom like me – are a tad bit crazy and a tad bit neurotic (just a tad). 

Have a glass of wine and read away, you will find yourself laughing and crying at the same time.

1 comment:

  1. El caso es que tú también ya eres mi amiga sólo que todavía no lo sabes ;D


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